The Mental Life of Plants and Worms
This article talks about and compares the several ways plants, worms, sea creatures etc. are similar to each other with the structure of their bodily organs and the way that it functions. Romanes studied the individual and clusters of nerve cells and nerve tissues and stated that jellyfish, oysters, insects, birds, and humans all have similar fundamental structures. The article also compares the difference and similarities between plants and animals. It is evident that plants are rooted to the ground, unable to move and are created in a way for them to survive meanwhile animals can move from place to place freely and are created to survive in the ways that they can (plants and animals have different ways of survival and therefore have some differences in the way they function). However, Darwin believes they are similar in ways their electrical currents move. Overall, jellyfish, worms, etc are definitely more than just moving creatures with no sense of memory, learning ability, and behavior but I wouldn’t define their intelligence on the same level of humans. It was very interesting to learn about all the specific ways that plants, animals, and humans are similar and the way jellyfish, worms, can have a functioning brain system. Because although I knew they have to have some similarities somehow as they are all living creatures, I didnt know what specifically made them similar such as having the same nerve tissues, etc. I also found it interesting how organs of jellyfish are able to help them turn and change directions, spread their tenacles, and have escape strategies for survival and without them they wouldnt be able to do any of these. ReplyQuoteEditDelete